MM2H Visa Permit

  1. 10 years visit visa with Multiple Entry will be granted
  2. Stay as long as you wish & leave Malaysia anytime as you please
  3. No minimum or maximum days of stay in a year
  4. Renewable after 10 years

Our specialists in Malaysia (call/ Whatsapp +6018 777 7938) can offer an in-depth understanding on the MM2H program as well as legal assistance for the application of the 10 years visa.

House Purchase

Each participant is allowed to purchase residential houses valued above RM1,000,000 in all states as per the new ruling from 1st January 2014. There is no limitation to number of units

Car Purchase (Tax and Duty Free)

Applicants are allowed to purchase one (1) unit of Tax Exempted car in Malaysia or bring in own vehicle without having to pay import duty, excise duty and sales tax.

Domestic Helper

Each applicant can apply for one maid subject to the prevailing guidelines of the Immigration


MM2H participants are allowed to bring their children who are below 21 years old and not married as their dependants.


Tax Exemption is given to remittance of offshore pension fund into Malaysia & any other foreign funds transferred into Malaysia.

Business & Investment

You can own and actively run your own business, terms apply. Generally any MM2H visa holders can own their own business as Directors without the requirement of any Local Malaysians.

Working Part Time

Applicant above age 50 can work part time, terms apply.


  • Import personal / household items, tax exempted
  • Invest in local companies, share market & unit trusts
  • Interest gained from bank fixed deposit is tax exempted
  • Your parents can also join you as dependents under a renewable long term (6 monthly) visa

Businessman interested in the MM2H program can address to our team of agents in Malaysia
(call/ whatsapp +6018 777 7938) for assistance.

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